Aufbau was instrumental in obtaining permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for construction of a 22-ft wide drainage connection to Cucamonga Creek Channel for City’s Sixth Street storm drain project. The permits required a comprehensive hydrology study of the drainage area tributary to the connection point and a thorough 3-D hydraulic modeling of an extensive reach of the Channel. Aufbau prepared the structural plans for the drainage connection and the transition structure to a 96-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe. The plans were clear and concise and sailed through plan check at the U.S. Army Corps. Aufbau also provided engineering support and construction management support services during the course of construction, which were always timely and professional

I worked with staff from Aufbau on Haven Avenue grade-separation project in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Aufbau coordinated the design and construction management of the project with the City, Metrolink, and other stakeholders and performed an exceptional job.

Aufbau performed plan review and map review services in connection with numerous residential, commercial, and industrial developments within the City. Services provided by Aufbau included review of grading plans, street and storm drain plans, tract maps, parcel maps, and the associated hydrology and hydraulic studies. Services received from Aufbau were prompt, thorough, and professional at all times. Aufbau is a great engineering company to work with and I highly recommend them.

Thank you for your excellent services towards the construction management and inspection of various capital improvement projects. In my over twenty years of working experience with civil engineers and construction management and inspection firms, I have not yet had the pleasure to work with a more dedicated, creative, and energetic firm. I have always been able to count on your prompt and diligent services as well as your expert advice and counsel.

A huge thank you for Aufbau’s engineering design and construction management support services for Wilson Avenue improvement project. The project had many design and construction challenges in order to meet the regulatory requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Bernardino County Flood Control District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, and Cucamonga Valley Water District. Aufbau’s foresight and ability to effectively manage the contractor’s construction operations was critical in keeping the project on budget and on schedule, and protecting the City from potential construction claims.

The Community Services Department is thoroughly pleased and gratified with Aufbau’s construction management services for Los Amigos Park. The project went smooth – the working relationship between the City, Aufbau and the construction contractor was superb and exemplified a spirit of cooperation toward a common quality product. Countless hours beyond the call of duty were spent by Aufbau to make the project a success. The project was completed on schedule and within budget. I would welcome the opportunity to work with Aufbau again.